Dr Mohamed Abu Al Nagah Clinic

Tailored Gastric Sleeve surgery

Excess weight is no longer a comic issue, as we used to see in movies and series in the past. Obesity is a disease with consequences that are not funny at all.

Excessive obesity can make the patient's life painful. Subsequently, he may lose hope and strength to resist reality, get rid of excess weight, and restore his life.

The painful consequences of obesity and excess weight:
1- Joint stiffness and spinal pain.
2- Increased levels of harmful fats in the body, resulting in fatty liver disease and liver enlargement.
3- Hypercholesterolemia, leading to vascular diseases such as hypertension and heart disease.
4- Fungal, bacterial infections, and other skin diseases.
5- Both heavy intake of unhealthy foods and the accumulation of fat in the body lead to the development of type 2 diabetes.
6- The weakness of the body's immune system makes the obese patient vulnerable to any infection.

Can any overweight person be defined as an obese patient?
The answer is no. There are specific criteria that a person must meet to be considered an obese patient and to determine the appropriate treatment plan for him.
First, we have to calculate the body mass index (BMI) to find out if a person is obese or not, and to recognize the type of obesity.

How can the body mass index be calculated?
It is a simple arithmetic problem. BMI is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the square of the height in meters, i.e., weight (kg) / square height (m2).

What are the types of obesity according to the BMI?
1- If the BMI is more than 25: There is simple obesity, which is considered a low-risk, and can be terminated by exercising and eating healthy foods.
2- If the BMI is more than 30: There is moderate obesity which can be controlled through the Smart Capsule.
3- If the BMI is more than 35: There is excessive obesity which can be eliminated through tailored bariatric surgeries by Dr. Mohamad Abo El Naga.

What are tailored bariatric surgeries?
Dr. Mohamad Abo El Naga believes that there is no obesity case similar to the other. Therefore he believes that the details and needs of each case require specific surgery, i.e., a tailored bariatric surgery is essential to suit the condition perfectly.
One of the main tailored bariatric surgeries is the Tailored Gastric Sleeve surgery, which we will discuss in this article.

What is Tailored Gastric Sleeve surgery?
Tailored Gastric Sleeve surgery is not a single surgery, but several surgeries. The most suitable for you is chosen after a complete case study by Dr. Mohamad Abo El Naga.

However, the core of the surgeries is not different, as it is done using a laparoscope, by cutting approximately 80% of the stomach to reduce its size to only 20% and removing the part responsible for secreting the hunger hormone. So the obese patient has more control over the amounts of food consumed and over his hunger feeling. That results in healthy and safe weight loss. 
Examples of Tailored Gastric Sleeve surgeries:
1- Ordinary Gastric Sleeve: Which we just talked about.

2- Bikini Line Gastric Sleeve: It differs from the normal sleeve gastrectomy in terms of the location and number of surgical incisions. It is done through 3 abdominal openings, one at the navel and the other two at the bikini line, which offers hidden wounds.

3- Mini Gastric Sleeve: It is similar to the bikini sleeve in terms of the number of surgical incisions, but it varies in the size of the openings and the thickness of the tools used. The tools used are unique in their thickness which does not exceed a few millimeters. Thus, the surgical incisions are very small and heal very quickly without causing any pain or leaving any scar.

4- Banded Gastric Sleeve surgery: It is similar to the ordinary gastric sleeve, but it exceeded it by placing a silicone ring surrounding the stomach to prevent its expansion and increase in size again. Gastric expansion may occur due to the patient's non-adherence to the dietary instructions after the surgery.

5- Single-Port Gastric Sleeve: This surgery is performed through only one surgical opening in the navel area.

Dr. Mohamad Abo El Naga studies the case of the obese patient in all its details. Accordingly, the most appropriate bariatric surgery is selected to achieve the best results and reach the ideal weight.

Like any surgery, some instructions must be followed and adhered to before and after the Tailored Gastric Sleeve surgery.

Pre-surgical instructions for the Tailored Gastric Sleeve surgery:
1-At the beginning, a clinical examination is performed, and some laboratory tests are requested.
2- You must follow the doctor's instructions and stop smoking before performing the surgery for at least two weeks.
3- You must inform the doctor about your health condition and your medical history. The doctor needs to know any acute or chronic diseases that you may suffer from, and your daily medications, especially those affecting blood fluidity or clotting and those weakening the immunity.
4- If you are a diabetic patient, you should review the doses of your medications with your therapist before performing the Tailored Sleeve gastrectomy.
5- You must fast for 12 hours before the surgery.

Instructions after the Tailored Gastric Sleeve surgery:
1- You must strictly adhere to the instructions of Dr. Mohamad Abo El Naga.
2- You must stop smoking for another two weeks after the surgery to give a good chance for the wounds to heal quickly.
3- You must adhere to the diet of bariatric surgery to allow stomach healing.
4- You must commit to vitamins for at least three months after the surgery.
5-You must commit to walking for half an hour daily and not making an effort until wound healing to avoid complications.
6-You must commit to drinking at least a liter and a half of water per day.

After performing the Tailored Gastric Sleeve surgery by Dr. Mohamad Abo El Naga, you will start your new life without obesity and its dangerous consequences. You will not experience the fear of obesity and being overweight again. With the right choice of the best bariatric surgeon, you will be able to guarantee the success of the surgery. Dr. Mohamad Abo El Naga will choose the most suitable surgery for you and will do everything in his power to bring you to your ideal weight and achieve the best results.